EXCLUSIVEz REFRESHz HELPz STATUSz TALKz DELETEDz UDFPARMSz CONFIRMz SAFETYz EXACTz SYSMENUz ERROR q_help Fieldsz Fields Expression Options < F10 >- Menu Add \ Ignore case -> @ 22,25 say trim(expr_name) color &get_color @ 24,17 say iif(ig_case,'YES','NO ') color &get_color Advanced Expression q_expr do get_bar do act_pop enter do exp_sel rightmouse do exp_sel Mouse-Move / Mouse-Select Ignore Case? Expression List enter rightmouse 12 268 brow_stop Expression too long! Press any key... set deleted &m_delete set talk &mtalk set status &mstatus set help to &helpfile set help &mhelp set udfparms to &m_udfparms set confirm &m_confirm set safety &m_safety set exact &m_exact set sysmenu &m_menu on error &m_error set default to &old_default set exclusive &m_exclusive set fields to &flds_list PROG_NAME QFILE XNAME MEXPR DBF_POP M_EXCLUSIVM_REFRESH SSCREEN MHELP HELPFILE MSTATUS CKMTALK M_DELETE M_UDFPARMSM_CONFIRM M_SAFETY M_EXACT M_MENU M_ERROR OLD_DEFAULQ_HELP SET_FUNC FILE_PACK MEMO_PACK MESS_COLORGET_COLOR PHRASE_CHGOLD_AREA SEL_EXPR SEL_REC SET_FLDS FLDS_LIST Q_OPEN EXPR_NAME PROGRAM EXPR_ID Q_FRAME BROWEXPR EXPRMENU LAST_BAR CHOICE ANY_RECS FOX_EXPR Q_EXPR ENTER RIGHTMOUSEIGNORECASEIG_CASE BROW_STOP OLDCHOICE E_ADD N_EDIT E_EDIT E_SELECT E_VIEW CHG_CASE E_DELETE EXPR_GET Q_PHRASE Q_CLOSE CHOICE LAST_BAR BROW_STOP EXPRMENU CHOICE SEL_EXPR EXPR_ID enter rightmouse do act_pop enter do exp_sel rightmouse do exp_sel ENTER RIGHTMOUSEEXPRMENU LAST_BAR ANY_RECS ECHOICE BROW_STOP 100000 q_expr Enter expression name: @ 1,25 get m->expr_name colo &get_color 12 268 \- Pick expression, < Enter >- Select expression, < Esc >- Cancel. RIGHTMOUSE do qrmouse ENTER do brow_stop Expression Lists RIGHTMOUSE ENTER brow_stop Expression too large for FoxPro expression builder. Press any key... Expression -> F Expression too large for FoxPro expression builder. Press any key... Expression -> F Expression -> F Expression -> F EXPR_ID Q_EXPR SEPROG_NAME PROGRAM IG_CASE EE_ADD EXPR_NAME FOXEXPR CHOICE FOX_EXPR KEXPR_BLD QFILE YES_NO RMSMREC ANY_RECS RIGHTMOUSEENTER BROWEXPR BROW_REC EBROW_STOP SEL_EXPR MEXPR2 EXPR_GET Q_CLOSE ORMEXPR CHGQ_OPEN Edit expression name: @ 1,25 get m.expr_name colo &get_color 12 268 E_ADD EXPR_NAME SEL_EXPR EXPR_ID Expression -> F FOX_EXPR EXPR_NAME MEXPR2 Q_CLOSE EMEXPR Q_OPEN MEMO_PACK EXPR_BLD EXPR_ID KQFILE SEL_EXPR Delete expression "F CHOICE YES_NO EXPR_NAME FILE_PACK Q_PHRASE EXPR_ID EQ_EXPR MEMO_PACK FOX_EXPR SEL_EXPR Press < Esc > when done Viewing Advanced expression. LEFTMOUSE do qmouse Expression name -> F Press < Esc > when done Viewing expression. Group Expression phrases Expression name -> F FOX_EXPR LEFTMOUSE E_VIEW Q_EXPR EXPR_NAME EM_ID EXPR_ID Q_PHRASE PHRASE COMB_PHRA SEL_EXPR Use edit to change CASE of Advanced expression. Press any key .... Ignore case: YES Ignore case: NO FOX_EXPR IG_CASE SEL_EXPR EXPR_ID SEL_EXPR EXPR_ID (Variable date) (Variable date) (Variable date) " (Variable date) @F<<< @L<<< Days q_dataf @F<<< @L<<< @F<<< @L<<< Days @F<<< @L<<< Days @F<<< @L<<< Up Up DAT_VAL B_POS E_POS OP_PHRA MATH_OP MPHRA EOPERATOR OP2PHRA Q_FTYPE CONNECTOR Q_DATA DATE_VAL VAR_DATE QD_CHOICE QM_CHOICE QY_CHOICE MATH_DATA Q_FLEN Q_PHRASE IGNORECASECOMBPHRA PHRASE_NO Q_FLABEL v_dvalue=&v_dexpr alltrim(str( v_dvalue=&new_expr / / V_DEXPR V_DVALUE EXPR_SUB NEW_EXPR BEG_CHAR EEND_CHAR DAY_31 BROW_STOP Q_EXPR q_expr Q_EXPR.CDX2 q_expr Q_PHRASE q_phrase Q_PHRASE.CDX2 q_phrase Q_EXPR PROGRAM EXPR_NAME EXPR_ID EQ_PHRASE PHRASE_NO Q_EXPR Q_PHRASE Q_EXPR Q_PHRASE Q_EXPR Q_PHRASE OLD_AREA RIGHTMOUSE RIGHTMOUSEBROW_STOP RIGHTMOUSE LEFTMOUSE RIGHTMOUSELEFTMOUSE < Expression Phrase Options > @ 24,0 say padc('< >- Select, - Edit, - Add, - Delete, , - Done',80) color &mess_color ENTER do p_edit2 RIGHTMOUSE do qrmouse LEFTMOUSE do lmouse keyboard chr(23) do del_phra do add_phra do e_options Group Expression phrases Expression name -> F brow_stop LEFTMOUSE RIGHTMOUSE ENTER \q_dataf @F<<< EXACTz @L<<< set exact &old_exact @F<<q_dataf Current Phrase Value Before Editing Date MONTH data_get store .t. to vari_date leftmouse do f_mouse store .t. to pick_field leftmouse do f_mouse leftmouse @ 0,col()+1 get m->q_data when data_when() picture [&mpict] color &mess_color Press < SPACE BAR > for choices. Press < F8 > to build variable date expression. Press < F6 > to select another field. @ 0,col()+1 get m->q_data when data_when() color &mess_color Press < F8 > to build variable date expression. Press < F6 > to select another field. leftmouse data_get @F<<q_dataf m->q_dataf data_get \ F @ 1,0 to 10,79 color &mess_color @ 2,2 say 'FIELD' color &mess_color @ 3,2 say alltrim(dlabel) color &fcolor ABORT ABORT ABORT ABORT ABORT \- Up Lo' color &mess_color @ 24,55 say '- Math ' color &mess_color @ 24,55 say '- ' color &dis_color DIS_COLOR Q_FTYPE CENTURYz @ 0,1 say 'FIELD' color &mess_color @ 1,1 say alltrim(dlabel) color &fcolor @ 0,7 say iif(inlist(m_opt2,'0','!0','T','F'),'DATA','OPERATOR') color &mess_color @ 0,col()+1 say iif(inlist(m_opt2,'0','!0','T','F'),'DATA','OPERATOR') color &mess_color is empty.8 is not 0 is not empty.8 "YES" Select a Field? Answer "No" to choose a day. @ 0,data_col say 'DATA' color &mess_color q_data3=iif(isalpha(q_data2),&q_data2,q_data2) @ 1,col()-4 say alltrim(str(day(q_data2))) color &get_color @F<<q_data when data_when() picture [&d_pict] color &get_color Press < SPACE BAR > for choices. Press < F8 > to build variable date expression. Press < F6 > to select another field. @ 1,col()-4 get m->q_data when data_when() color &get_color Press < F8 > to build variable date expression. Press < F6 > to select another field. leftmouse @F<<q_data) color &get_color @ 1,data_col say m->q_data color &get_color Q_CALEND \ 0 ) <> 0 at(upper( ),upper( )) = 0 ) = 0 at(upper(trim( )),upper( )) <> 0 at(trim( ) <> 0 at(upper(trim( )),upper( )) = 0 at(trim( ) = 0 upper( upper( empty( !empty( day( ) = day( month( ) = month( year( ) = year( empty( !empty( empty( !empty( day( ) = day({ day( ) = day({ month( ) = month({ month( ) = month({ year( ) = year({ year( ) = year({ empty( !empty( empty( !empty( upper(left( ,len(" "))) = upper(" left( ,len(" "))= " upper(left( ,len(" "))) != upper(" left( ,len(" "))!= " upper(right(trim( )) = upper(" right(trim( ) = " upper(right(trim( )) != upper(" right(trim( ) != " at(upper(" "),upper( )) <> 0 at(" ) <> 0 at(upper(" "),upper( )) = 0 at(" ) = 0 at(upper(trim( )),upper(" ")) <> 0 at(trim( ) <> 0 at(upper(trim( )),upper(" ")) = 0 at(trim( ) = 0 upper( upper(" upper( upper(" AND MEXPR_ID MEXPR IELDLAST_AREA PHRASE_MAXPHRASE_CNTBEG_GROUP END_GROUP CUR_PHRASEM_CONNECT M_OPT HGQ_PHRASE PHRASE_NO EXPR_ID G_GROUP OPERATOR TQ_FTYPE Q_DATA M_Q_DATA Q_EXPR IG_CASE SEIGNORECASEQ_FIELD ELADD_MATH EVAR_DATE Q_FLEN ECONNECTOR @F<<< @F<<< MATH_OP MATH_DATA MEXPR q_phraseR q_phraseRF q_phraseQ LEFTMOUSE ENTER RIGHTMOUSE Ignore case for selected ( ) phrase? LEFTMOUSE ENTER RIGHTMOUSE ENTER do p_edit2 RIGHTMOUSE do qrmouse LEFTMOUSE do lmouse keyboard chr(23) do del_phra do add_phra do e_options CHOICE Q_FTYPE SET_FUNC LEFTMOUSE ENTER _CNTRIGHTMOUSEF10 GROUP PHRASEF5 ONNECT HGYES_NO Q_PHRASE IGNORECASEMATH MOUSE is exactly like is not exactly like begins with does not begin with ends with does not end with is exactly like or comes before is exactly like or comes after comes before comes after contains does not contain is contained in is not contained in is empty is not empty is the same date as is not the same date as is the same date or before is the same date or after is before is after is empty is not empty is the same day as is the same month as is the same year as is equal to is not equal to is less than or equal to is more than or equal to is less than is more than is zero is not zero F_TYPE OPTPHRASE is exactly like is not exactly like begins with does not begin with ends with does not end with is exactly like or comes before is exactly like or comes after comes before comes after contains does not contain is contained in is not contained in is empty is not empty is the same date as is not the same date as is the same date or before is the same date or after is before is after is empty is not empty is the same day as is the same month as is the same year as is equal to is not equal to is less than or equal to is more than or equal to is less than is more than is zero is not zero OPTPHRASE F_TYPE OPT_TRAN CONFIRMz is exactly like is not exactly like begins with does not begin with ends with does not end with is exactly like or comes before is exactly like or comes after comes before comes after contains does not contain is contained in is not contained in is empty is not empty is the same date as is not the same date as is the same date or before is the same date or after is before is after is empty is not empty is the same day as is the same month as is the same year as is equal to is not equal to is less than or equal to is more than or equal to is less than is more than is zero is not zero Yes No set confirm &mconfirm opt_namef EXACTz set exact &old_exact Select an Operator set confirm &mconfirm set confirm &mconfirm M_OPER F_TYPE OPT_NAME NUM_OPTS MCONFIRM TPICK_OPER OLD_EXACT CHOICE day(date()) month(date()) year(date()) day(date()) month(date()) year(date()) GET_COLORf MESS_COLORf Month Year Done \-Select option,-Do option, -Change menus,-Cancel.F alltrim(str( ))+"/"+ alltrim(str( ))+"/"+alltrim(str( is_null=&date_expr Day number is invalid for selected month. Press any key... alltrim(str( ))+"/"+ alltrim(str( ))+"/"+alltrim(str( is_null=&date_expr day_val= iif(dchoice=5,alltrim(str(strip_day((d_expr))-date())),alltrim(str(&d_expr))) monthval= iif(mchoice=5,alltrim(strip_mo((m_expr))),alltrim(str(&m_expr))) year_val= iif(ychoice=5,alltrim(str(&y_expr-year(date()))),alltrim(str(&y_expr))) DAY OPTION: Calculated value MONTH MONTH OPTION: Calculated value YEAR OPTION: Calculated value Date evaluates to ==> @ 14,19 say &date_expr color &get_color MONTH alltrim(str( ))+"/"+ alltrim(str( ))+"/"+alltrim(str( is_null=&date_expr Day number is invalid for selected month. Press any key... alltrim(str( ))+"/"+ alltrim(str( ))+"/"+alltrim(str( is_null=&date_expr alltrim(str( ))+"/"+ alltrim(str( ))+"/"+alltrim(str( is_null=&date_expr alltrim(str( ))+"/"+ alltrim(str( ))+"/"+alltrim(str( is_null=&date_expr day_val= iif(dcnt=0,alltrim(str(&d_expr)),alltrim(str(dcnt))) monthval=iif(mcnt=0,alltrim(str(&m_expr)),alltrim(str(mcnt))) year_val=iif(ycnt=0,alltrim(str(&y_expr)),alltrim(str(ycnt))) DAY OPTION: Calculated value MONTH MONTH OPTION: Calculated value YEAR OPTION: Calculated value Date evaluates to ==> @ 14,19 say &date_expr color &get_color (Invalid Date) alltrim(str( ))+"/"+alltrim(str( ))+"/"+alltrim(str( DATE_OPT D_EXPR M_EXPR Y_EXPR DCHOICE TMCHOICE YCHOICE OLD_DEXPR OLD_MEXPR OLD_YEXPR D_CALC M_CALC Y_CALC ASEDCNT MOUSEMCNT LAST_DAY GET_COLOR MESS_COLOROLD_DCALC OLD_MCALC OLD_YCALC OLD_DCNT EOLD_MCNT OLD_YCNT EOLDDCHOICEOLDMCHOICEOLDYCHOICEOLDLASTDAYMSTOP DATE_BAR MMONTH MYEAR ELDDATEFRAME DATEEXPR DATE_EXPR IS_NULL DAY_VAL MONTHVAL YEAR_VAL PADSEL OPTSEL TDAY_MENU MONTHMENU YEARMENU day(date()) month(date()) year(date()) day(date()+1) month(date()+1) year(date()+1) day(date()-1) month(date()-1) year(date()-1) month(date()) year(date()) day(date()) month(date()) year(date()) day(date()FF month(date()FF year(date()FF day(date()+FF month(date()+FF year(date()+FF month(date()) year(date()) DCHOICE D_EXPR M_EXPR Y_EXPR TCHOOSEDAY DAYS_FROM MCHOICE YCHOICE LAST_DAY M_CALC Y_CALC ASEYCNT MOUSED_CALC uparrow d_num=iif(d_num=31,1,d_num+1) dnarrow d_num=iif(d_num=1,31,d_num-1) leftmouse d_num=iif(mrow('CHS_DAY')=-1 .or. mcol('CHS_DAY')=-1,d_num,iif(d_num=31,1,d_num+1)) rightmouse d_num=iif(d_num=1,31,d_num-1) Enter day_of_the_month number: @ 1,col() get d_num picture '99' range 1,31 color &mess_color >- change day, < Esc >- Cancel.F uparrow dnarrow leftmouse rightmouse 12 268 D_NUM CHS_DAY UPARROW DNARROW LEFTMOUSE RIGHTMOUSE uparrow store d_cnt+1 to d_cnt dnarrow store d_cnt-1 to d_cnt leftmouse store iif(mrow('DAYSFROM')=-1 .or. mcol('DAYSFROM')=-1,d_cnt,d_cnt+1) to d_cnt rightmouse store d_cnt-1 to d_cnt Enter days from this date: @ 1,col() get d_cnt picture '99999' color &mess_color Enter negative number to subtract days. >- change day, < Esc >- Cancel.F uparrow dnarrow leftmouse rightmouse 12 268 D_CNT DAYSFROM UPARROW DNARROW LEFTMOUSE RIGHTMOUSE month(date()) year(date()) month(gomonth(date(),1)) year(gomonth(date(),1)) month(gomonth(date(),-1)) year(gomonth(date(),-1)) year(date()) month(date()) year(date()) month(gomonth(date(),FF year(gomonth(date(),FF month(gomonth(date(),FF year(gomonth(date(),FF MCHOICE M_EXPR Y_EXPR CHOOSE_MO MO_FROM MCNT2 OUSEYCHOICE EYCNT Y_CALC M_CALC LAST_DAY ASED_EXPR uparrow m_num=iif(m_num=12,1,m_num+1) dnarrow m_num=iif(m_num=1,12,m_num-1) leftmouse m_num=iif(mrow('CHS_MONTH')=-1 .or. mcol('CHS_MONTH')=-1,m_num,iif(m_num=12,1,m_num+1)) rightmouse m_num=iif(m_num=1,12,m_num-1) Enter month number: @ 1,col() get m_num picture '99' range 1,12 color &mess_color >- change month, < Esc >- Cancel.F uparrow dnarrow leftmouse rightmouse 12 268 M_NUM CHS_MONTH UPARROW DNARROW LEFTMOUSE RIGHTMOUSE uparrow store m_cnt+1 to m_cnt dnarrow store m_cnt-1 to m_cnt leftmouse store iif(mrow('MOFROM')=-1 .or. mcol('MOFROM')=-1,m_cnt,m_cnt+1) to m_cnt rightmouse store m_cnt-1 to m_cnt Enter months from this date: @ 1,col() get m_cnt picture '99999' color &mess_color Enter negative number to subtract months. >- change month, < Esc >- Cancel.F uparrow dnarrow leftmouse rightmouse 12 268 M_CNT MOFROM UPARROW DNARROW LEFTMOUSE RIGHTMOUSE year(date()) year(date())+1 year(date())-1 year(date()) year(date())FF year(date())+FF YCHOICE Y_EXPR CHS_YEAR YEAR_FROM Y_CALC LAST_DAY EDCNT USED_EXPR uparrow y_num=iif(y_num=99,0,y_num+1) dnarrow y_num=iif(y_num=0,99,y_num-1) leftmouse y_num=iif(mrow('CHS_YEAR')=-1 .or. mcol('CHS_YEAR')=-1,y_num,iif(y_num=99,0,y_num+1)) rightmouse y_num=iif(y_num=0,99,y_num-1) Enter year: @ 1,col() get y_num picture '9999' range 1600,2200 color &mess_color >- change year, < Esc >- Cancel.F uparrow dnarrow leftmouse rightmouse 12 268 Y_NUM CHS_YEAR UPARROW DNARROW LEFTMOUSE RIGHTMOUSE uparrow store y_cnt+1 to y_cnt dnarrow store y_cnt-1 to y_cnt leftmouse store iif(mrow('YRFROM')=-1 .or. mcol('YRFROM')=-1,y_cnt,y_cnt+1) to y_cnt rightmouse store y_cnt-1 to y_cnt Enter years from this date: @ 1,col() get y_cnt picture '99999' color &mess_color Enter negative number to subtract years. >- change year, < Esc >- Cancel.F uparrow dnarrow leftmouse rightmouse 12 268 Y_CNT YRFROM UPARROW DNARROW LEFTMOUSE RIGHTMOUSEl rday=&qday GOMONTHF QMONTH Message too long *H \!\F < Enter Numeric expression for above phrase >F @B 9999999999999999999999999999999 @B 99999999999999999999999999.9999 @*H \!\